Portable Electronic Devices

Gladys Jung Elementary School Portable Electronic Device Policy

This Gladys Jung Elementary School policy is aligned with LKSD Board Policy 5138, dated May, 2011. The term Portable Electronic Device (PED) refers to all cellular telephones, listening devices (including iPods, MP3 players and other similar devices and earphones/headphones/ear buds), Portable Digital Assistants (PDA), wireless email devices, Tablet Readers (iPad, Kindle, Nook, and etc.) and cameras (digital and film).

Conditions of use:

  1. PEDs must be turned off and kept out of sight between 8:20 A.M. and 3:35 P.M., however for security reasons; they should not be left in lockers.
  2. At the teacher’s discretion and with the teacher’s permission, PEDs can be used for research, entertainment, and to communicate. Examples: call home, listen to music or playing games during indoor recess, internet use to support instructional activities, and etc.
  3. PEDs MUST be given to teachers and staff upon request.
  4. Lower Kuskokwim School District assumes no responsibility for the loss, theft, damage, or 
destruction of PEDs, whether in the student’s possession or if confiscated and in the possession of 
a staff member pursuant to this policy.
  5. The contents of PEDs may be searched to determine ownership, to identify emergency contacts, 
or upon reasonable suspicion that a school or district policy or the law has been violated.

Prohibited conduct:

The following actions involving PEDs are not allowed and will result in disciplinary action:

  1. Using any camera in the restrooms or locker rooms (PED or otherwise).
  2. Calling, texting or otherwise communicating with students in another classroom during the school 
day is forbidden, unless specifically directed to do so by a teacher.
  3. Behaving in a manner that is disruptive, rude, or lewd is prohibited.
  4. Accessing and/or viewing any Internet site that is otherwise blocked to students.
  • Sending any form of text, photo, or other communication that harasses, threatens, intimidates, 
bullies, or discriminates against any person or group of people is forbidden.
Violation First Offense Second Offense Third Offense
Portable Electronic Device Abuse One-day confiscation of device. Return to student at end of day. Parent contact, mail policy home with an explanation of the offence. Confiscate device until student and parent meet with Dean of Students (release device to parent). Parent and student’s signature on policy. Confiscate device until student and parent meet with Dean and/or Principal (release device to prent). Parent and student signature on policy.

Ban student from brining PED to school remainder of the school year.

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