In an effort to continue to provide nutritious meals to students during school closures, the State of Alaska has granted school districts waivers to allow to-go meals. Beginning Monday March 16th, Bethel Schools will have breakfast and lunch ready for pick-up at 11 AM at your child’s school. Meals for multiple students may be picked up by a delegate from each household as long as the students all are enrolled at the same site. Families that have students at multiple schools will need to pick up meals from each school where the students are enrolled. During these meal pickups please practice social distancing, stay at least 6ft from each other. Additionally, gather in small groups and maintain distance from each other.
11:00-12:00 7th and 8th grade
12:00-12:45 9th through 12th grade
Gladys Jung:
11:00-12:00 3rd and 4th grade
12:00-1:00 5th and 6th grade
11:00-12:00 PreK and Kindergarten
12:00-1:00 1st and 2nd grade
11:00-1:00 Kindergarten through 6th grade