GJE returns at Medium-Risk Level Sept 8

Welcome Back!
Posted on 09/04/2020

In consultation with YKHC, LKSD administration has approved Bethel schools for in-school instruction at the medium-risk level. For GJE students who have chosen the hybrid model, students will return Tuesday, September 8 for Cohort A, and Thursday, Sept 10 for Cohort B.

(Full LKSD Press Release: 
Revised Press Release Update 09-04-2020.pdf)

We are very excited to welcome our GJE Cranes in person! We hope the following information is helpful. Please also see the attached Smart Start document for more information about how instruction will take place at each risk level.

(GJE Smart Start Template.docx)

Hybrid Model

If you have chosen the hybrid model, your child will be attending school in person two days a week. Cohort A will attend Monday and Tuesday, and Cohort B will attend Thursday and Friday. 

Transportation, Pick up, and Drop off

Bus Information: 
Bethel Bus Letter - edited.pdf 
Bethel Pick Up Routes.pdf

If you choose to drop off your student, please arrive via the front entrance only, due to construction. You can say goodbye to your student at the door but we are asking at this time that you not enter the building. Doors will open at 8 am and school begins at 8:30 am. Students will go directly to their classroom once they enter the building.

The school day ends at 2:15 pm for 3rdgrade, and 3 pm for 4th-6thgrades. If you are picking up your student, please come in to the office, let the front desk know, and return to your car. 

Safety Precautions

GJE will use the following procedures as preventative and containment measures for the COVID virus:

  • Each staff member’s temperature will be taken prior to entering the classroom each day.
  • Each student’s temperature will be taken prior to entering the classroom each day and they will be asked about symptoms on this questionnaire: DAILY HEALTH MONITORING FORM student.docx  If their temp is 100.4 or above, or student has 2 or more symptoms, you will be asked to pick kids up. We are asking parents that they use the same checklist to check their child’s symptoms before they leave home each day.
  • All staff members will be wearing masks and may be wearing additional protective gear.
  • We encourage students to bring their own mask. Otherwise LKSD will be providing reusable cloth masks that will be washed at school every evening, and a disposable mask will be worn on the bus ride home. 
  • Each student desk will be at least 6 feet from the next desk.  
  • Students will stay within their cohorts and not intermingle with other groups throughout the day. Lunch will be served in the room, and recess will be taken with their cohort. There will be opportunities to fill water bottles with your cohort during the day. Students can bring their own water bottles, or bottles will be provided.
  • Schools will be using CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting the school. The school will be deep-cleaned every Wednesday in between cohorts. 
  • Sports and extra-curricular activities are currently on hold.

Remote Learning

If you have chosen the remote learning option, Wednesdays will be reserved for dropping off and picking up remote learning packets, and can be done from 1 – 5:30 pm.


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