In the 6th grade reading curriculum, students are learning about how to feed a growing planet. Are part of this learning they have thought about the many people in our communities who might suffer from food insecurities, and have considered ways they can help. Ms. Lestenkoff's students decided they would like to make soup and sandwiches, and collect helpful gifts, and bring them to the homeless in our community.
Many community members helped them.

Quyana to:
***Officer Neal who joined the class in delivering lunches and gifts in his role as a community member.
***Freida Jimmy from AVCP who donated hoodies, hats, and creamer which was brought to the winter house.
***Stephanie Schindler at NMS for the soup bowls.
***Rafe Johnson for the containers.
***Bunny Agimuk for her donation of moose.
***Karla for her donation of jam.
***Mary Allain for LP sauce
***Mr. Madole of AC for the $200 donation
And ALL the parents who donated!
Students will be serving two more lunches, in April and May.