Playground rules

  1. All playground equipment must be used appropriately, including no jumping off the equipment.
  1. Nerf equipment is allowed on the playground but hardballs and bats are not permitted. With permission of monitoring staff, other equipment may be used – such as balls for four square, basketballs, footballs, jump ropes or balls/bats for lap game.
  1. Students are not allowed to go back into the building unless they have the permission of monitoring staff.
  1. Students are not allowed to play on the steps or ramp.
  1. Students will not throw any object other than approved playground equipment.
  1. All students will go outside for recess, weather permitting, or unless they have a signed note from a parent or guardian requesting that the student stay in doors.
  1. If equipment goes out of the play area, students may retrieve it only with adult permission and supervision. Otherwise, they must leave it until an adult can get it. (e.g. ball goes out to the street)
  1. When the whistle blows (or other teacher chosen method to bring students in): Students must immediately STOP PLAYING and LINE UP with their class in the appropriate place.

Consequences for breaking Playground Rules

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Time-out on the fence
  3. Loss of playground privilege
  4. Major infractions will be handled according to the Gladys Jung Discipline Plan.
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