Grade Reports / Communications with the school

Parent-Teacher Conferences and Report Cards

Parent teacher conferences are required by the District School Board to be held twice a year, at the end of the 1st and 3rd quarters. Your child is encouraged to attend the conference. Report cards for the 2nd and 4th quarter will be mailed to the parents. Other meetings with teachers, of course, can be arranged at any time.

Phone Contacts

Teachers and other school personnel can be reached directly by phone (through the front office). All classrooms have phones to allow parents and teachers to contact each other. There are times during each day when teachers will not wish to have classes disrupted. During these times, parents can leave voicemails.


We at Gladys Jung are always striving to improve our school. Please feel free to share any thoughts with your child’s teacher or the principal. If there is a problem please discuss it with the person involved first. LKSD District Policy requires that the person involved with the problem be the first step in any problem resolution.

Public input process:

  1. Teacher/Staff Level
  2. Site Administrator Level
  3. Advisory School Board (ASB)
  4. LKSD Board
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