Dress code

The following dress code is in compliance with LKSD BP 5132. Dress code addresses health/safety concerns and distractions to the educational environment.

  1. Shirts/Blouses

Acceptable shirts are worn in accordance to design and cover torso including shoulders and midriff. Students are prohibited from wearing shirts/blouses that:

  • Are excessively oversized or immodestly undersized
  • Conceal identity
  • Depict or reference alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, nudity, gang affiliation, death, violence, vulgar or obscene language or images, and/or insults to race, religion, gender or ethnicity, or other emblems or writing that may be expected to cause a material or substantial disruption of, or interference with, normal school operations. Students are also prohibited from wearing undershirts, tank tops, see-through clothing, pajamas, blouses or clothing with spaghetti straps, or shirts/blouses that expose the midriff when the arms are raised.
  1. Pants/Slacks

Acceptable pants/slacks are worn at the waist and belted if needed to keep from falling and exposing midriff or undergarments. Pants/slacks may not be:

  • Overly baggy or oversized
  1. Shorts

Acceptable shorts are worn at the waist and no shorter than mid-thigh for all grades. Shorts may not be:

  • Made of spandex or other form-fitting materials
  • Baggy or oversized
  • Split or fringed at the hem or seams
  • Boxers or pajamas
  1. Dresses/Skorts/Skirts

Acceptable dresses/skorts/skirts/ are worn at the waist and no shorter than mid-thigh for all grades. In addition:

  • Dress tops must meet the guidelines for blouses and shirts.
  • Dresses, skorts and skirts may not be spandex or other form-fitting materials.
  • Slits in skirts or dresses must be modest. High-slashed apparel is not acceptable.
  1. Shoes

Shoes must be worn at all times and chosen for safety, health reasons and quietness. “Heelies” are not allowed at any time at Gladys Jung School.

  1. Jewelry

Earrings, hair jewelry, watches, bracelets, rings and necklaces that are not a safety hazard or a material or substantial disruption may be worn.

Students are prohibited from wearing jewelry/accessories that:

  • Are considered gang-related
  • Are considered a safety hazard or a material or substantial distraction.
  1. Hats/Head Coverings

Hats, caps, coat/jacket/sweatshirt hoods, bandanas or scarves shall not be worn at Gladys Jung except in the interest of religious practices, safety, cleanliness, or with the permission of the principal. Students are prohibited from wearing any head covering which is used to conceal identity anywhere at school.

  1. General
  • School-approved clothing for physical education, athletics, etc., may only be worn during the class or activity for which they are approved.
  • Administration may establish event-specific dress code waivers for special events such as Spirit Weeks.
  • No article of apparel shall be worn that will in any way damage school property, create a safety hazard or create a material or substantial distraction to the school environment.
  • For safety reasons, trench coats or other long baggy coats are not allowed.
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